Leeds HMO Lobby
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The Lobby
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HMO Licensing
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National HMO Lobby
Leeds HMO Lobby
Local Development Framework
The Local
Development Framework is the name given to the new
system of Development Plans introduced by the Planning & Compulsory
Purchase Act 2004. It will take the place of the Unitary
Development Plan. Rather than a single plan, the LDF takes the
form of a portfolio of documents - Local Development Documents comprise
Development Plan Documents and Supplementary Planning Documents.
The Local Development Scheme sets out the programme for preparing
the Local Development Documents.
Development Plan Documents (DPDs), which are subject to examination
in public by an inspector, include:
# a Core Strategy, which sets
out the vision, spatial strategies and core policies,
# 'thematic' policies, eg. minerals and waste
# Area Action Plans, where needed in key areas of change, and
# a proposals map
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) do not have development
plan status. 73 planning guidance documents are available or in
production; one of these concerns affordable
The Statement of Community Involvement
specifies how stakeholders and communities are involved.
Area Action Plans are a key priority of the Leeds
Local Development Framework. The focus of the plans is to promote
(a) the continued and sustainable renaissance and development of
the city centre as the hub of the City region, and (b) the regeneration
of major inner city and suburban areas to promote the development
of sustainable communities within these areas. Project plans are
available for four areas -
# Leeds City Centre,
# Aire Valley,
# East and South East Leeds (EASEL), and
# West Leeds.
Leeds HMO Lobby is contributing to the consultations on the Area
Action Plans for the City Centre
and for the Aire Valley, for EASEL
and for West Leeds. In addition,
Leeds HMO Lobby has proposed an Area Action Plan for Inner
NW Leeds.
Leeds HMO Lobby
email: hmolobby@hotmail.com
website: www.hmolobby.org.uk/leeds