Leeds HMO Lobby
What is a HMO?
The Lobby
Local Action
Policy Papers
Studentification in Leeds
National Action
Use Classes Order
HMO Licensing
Students & Community
National HMO Lobby
Leeds HMO Lobby
Representation on
Issues & Alternative Options, August 2006
1. Leeds HMO Lobby is a coalition of local community
associations concerned to redress the impact on their communities
of concentrations of houses in multiple occupation (HMOs). In principle,
the Lobby is concerned with the whole city of Leeds. In practice,
most of the city’s HMOs (arising from demand for student housing)
are in fact concentrated in Headingley Ward and adjacent parts of
neighbouring wards. So, the Lobby has been especially concerned
with Inner NW Leeds.
2. In some respects, in the light of its historic
concerns, the Lobby has some diffidence in making representations
on the West Leeds Gateway Area Action Plan. However, if there are
concentrations of HMOs causing concern West Leeds, then the Lobby
would be pleased to make contact with any local community associations.
At the same time, the Lobby considers that solutions to the problems
of local concentrations of HMOs must be city-wide. This view is
supported by Leeds City Council in the Revised UDP, adopted in July
2006. The Section on ‘Student
Housing’ (paras 7.6.28 – 7.6.31d) “deals with
planning policy to control the growth of the student population
in the wider Headingley area and measures to disperse students to
other appropriate parts of the City.” These two objectives
are addressed by Policies H15 and H15A respectively. These policies
have been ‘saved’, to be carried forward into the Local
Development Framework.
3. Policy H15A states, “the Council will
work with the universities and with accommodation providers to promote
student housing developments in other areas by identifying and bringing
forward for development sites that would satisfy the criteria set
out below.” The five criteria are concerned with transport
connections, viability, integration, regeneration and impact on
local housing stock. Specific sites are not identified. “The
Council thinks that the process of identifying and agreeing such
areas with stakeholders ... would be better achieved through preparation
of the Local Development Framework’s Area Action Plans.”
This is the reason for the Lobby’s present representation:
the Lobby asks that the Revised UDP does inform the West Leeds Gateway
Area Action Plan, and that this AAP considers the promotion of student
housing developments.
4. The Lobby of course supports the Plan’s
commitment to regeneration in West Leeds, including sustainability,
mixed communities and balance. It is our own commitment to mix and
balance which prompted the founding of the Lobby. Concentrations
of HMOs (whoever they accommodate) undermine sustainability, by
replacing a stable population with a transient population. This
is not to say however that transience in general nor students in
particular are a bad thing. A community distorted by transience
or by students is not balanced and sustainable. But nor does a community
devoid of transience or of students represent the mix which sustains
the diversity and therefore the vitality of a community. The member
communities of the Lobby have hosted a student presence literally
for generations – and can vouch for the fact that, while studentification
will destroy a community, on the other hand, a student presence
can enhance it.
5. In the short term, a student presence can have
a regenerative impact simply through the provision of student housing.
Student residents spend money of course, and given the high density
of student accommodation, their expenditure (though seasonal) may
well be greater than that of family residents. At the same time,
students patronise a different range of enterprises from longer-term
residents – which adds to the diversity of a neighbourhood.
It is worth noting that Armley has been identified by Unipol Student
Homes as one of a number of community areas suitable for student
accommodation. “Armley is an inner urban area with a mix of
older terraced housing and newer properties. There is a mixed community
with growing numbers of Asian households and students moving in.
It has a shopping centre on Town Street, a range of pubs and open
spaces and parks. The Aviarys area of Armley is accessible to the
Vue entertainment centre on Kirkstall Road” (Unipol Student
Homes, Housing tabloid, January 2006, p31).
6. In the longer term, a tradition of student
settlement could contribute more proactively to the regeneration
of West Leeds. A skills shortage is identified in the West Leeds
Gateway Area Action Plan: Issues & Alternative Options
(August 2006, p9). One of the major assets provided by the two universities
to the city is the number of graduates who remain in Leeds, and
contribute to its economic dynamism. A tradition of student settlement
in West Leeds could enable this area to share in this asset.
7. In more than one way, therefore, consideration
of student accommodation in West Leeds (appropriately managed) could
make a significant contribution to the ‘over-riding principle
of sustainability’ identified in paragraph 4.8 of the Issues
& Alternative Options document (p8).
8 January 2007
Leeds HMO Lobby
email: hmolobby@hotmail.com
website: www.hmolobby.org.uk/leeds