Leeds HMO Lobby


Leeds HMO Lobby

What is a HMO?

The Lobby

Local Action
Policy Papers
Studentification in Leeds

National Action
Use Classes Order
HMO Licensing
Students & Community

National HMO Lobby

Leeds HMO Lobby




1 The Name of the organisation shall be 'Leeds HMO Lobby.'

2 The Objects of the Lobby shall be

(i) to bring together representatives of community associations in Leeds concerned with houses in multiple occupation (HMOs), in order to redress their effects on local communities;
(ii) to lobby nationally for the introduction of legislation enabling local authorities to control HMOs;
(iii) to contribute to the development of a national network of community associations in pursuit of (ii).

3 Membership

(i) Full membership of the Lobby is open to all community associations* in Leeds who subscribe to the Objects of the Lobby: each shall be entitled to appoint one Representative (or a substitute);
(ii) Affiliate membership may be offered to other organisations who subscribe to the Objects of the Lobby (provided that these shall not exceed the number of full members): each shall be entitled to appoint one Representative (or a substitute);
(iii) Visitors may be invited to attend meetings of the Lobby.

4 Officers

The Lobby shall elect from among its Representatives a Co-ordinator and a Treasurer, and such other officers as it may require from time to time.

5 Funding

(i) Member and Affiliate organisations shall pay such annual subscriptions as is decided from time to time by the Lobby;
(ii) Funds shall be spent only in pursuit of its Objects as determined by the Lobby; the Treasurer shall keep proper accounts and shall provide a statements of accounts annually to the Lobby.

6 Meetings

(i) A Chair shall be agreed upon by the Lobby, meeting by meeting;
(ii) Minutes shall record all resolutions of the Lobby;
(iii) the Quorum of the Lobby shall comprise five Representatives (provided that the majority of those present are Full Members);
(iv) Decisions shall be determined where necessary by a simple majority vote.

7 Dissolution

If the Lobby by a simple majority recommends its dissolution, this shall be notified to all member organisations, together with the date of a meeting to consider the proposal; if at that meeting the Lobby decides on its dissolution, its assets may be disposed of and the funds given to charity.

8 Amendments

Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed to the Lobby by any Representative, with due notice; any amendment shall require a two-thirds majority vote.

* A community association is here understood to be a formally constituted organisation whose membership is open to all within its area of interest. The Lobby has also adopted an Equal Opportunities statement.

Adopted effective from 1 April 2000


Leeds HMO Lobby
email: hmolobby@hotmail.com website: www.hmolobby.org.uk/leeds