Leeds HMO Lobby
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The Lobby
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National HMO Lobby
Leeds HMO Lobby
Representation on
Pre-Application Consultation with Communities
1 Leeds HMO Lobby is an association of a dozen local community
associations in & around Headingley in Leeds, all those in fact
within the Area of Housing Mix, designated in Leeds Unitary Development
Plan (Revised 2006). The Area was designated in order to address
the imbalance in the neighbourhoods covered, as a result of lack
of control of local housing development, specifically houses in
multiple occupation (HMOs). The Lobby is well aware of the need
for local development control. For further information, visit our
2 The Lobby therefore welcomes the neighbourhood-focused emphasis
of the Government's planning reforms which give people a stronger
role in planning and development. In particular, the Lobby welcomes
the proposed requirement in the new Localism Bill for developers
to consult with local communities prior to submitting some planning
applications. Further, the Lobby welcomes the Government's invitation
to make suggestions on what developments should be subject to this
provision. The Lobby takes the opportunity to make a number of points.
3 First of all, the Lobby considers that applying this measure
to large-scale major applications only is far too restricted (these
include developments of 200 or more residential units and 10,000
square metres or more of non-residential development). Much smaller
developments can have a profound impact on the character and/or
amenity of a neighbourhood. Design and/or usage which is inappropriate
to the neighbourhood can be deeply detrimental, such as over-intensive
developments (on both counts). With this in mind, residents in Headingley
pioneered the concept of Neighbourhood Design Statements (NDSs),
based on Village Design Statements (for instance, in Far Headingley
in 2005 as Supplementary Planning Guidance). More recently, last
year Leeds adopted a NDS for central Headingley, which we believe
to be the first community-based Supplementary Planning Document
(certainly in Leeds, probably nationally). We are anxious that pre-application
consultation with local communities should enable neighbourhoods
to maintain their cohesion and sustainability.
4 Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) already operate thresholds
for charging for pre-application advice for developers. In Leeds,
the Council charges for pre-application advice on residential proposals
of 10 houses or more or on a site greater than 0.5 hectares, and
on non-residential proposals creating more than 1,000 square metres
of floorspace or on a site greater than 1 hectare. We understand
that other LPAs employ similar thresholds for such advice.
5 Leeds HMO Lobby therefore recommends that all developments within
a local authority which would attract a charge for pre-application
advice by the LPA should be required to consult with local communities
prior to submitting planning applications. In the spirit of localism,
the Lobby suggests that the threshold should be determined by the
LPA - in consultation of course with local communities.
Dr Richard Tyler, Co-ordinator, Leeds HMO Lobby, March 2011
Leeds HMO Lobby
email: hmolobby@hotmail.com
website: www.hmolobby.org.uk/leeds