Leeds HMO Lobby
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Studentification in Leeds
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HMO Licensing
Students & Community
National HMO Lobby
Leeds HMO Lobby
Leeds City Council, Shared Housing
Shared Housing Action Plan, revised (SHAP2)
(1) To increase the sustainability of Inner North West Leeds.
(2) To reduce the number of students in full-time education accommodated
within the Area of Housing Mix as a proportion of the population,
by the Census in 2011.
(3) To increase the proportion of students in full-time education
accommodated outside the Area of Housing Mix by 2011.
(4) To increase the range of opportunities for student housing in
01 Develop and monitor a Student Housing Strategy
incorporating the plans and strategies of the Higher Education Institutions
02 Encourage the development of student housing
outside Inner NW Leeds (Development Dept, and Shared Housing Group).
03 Maintain appointment of Community Planning Officer
(Development Dept, Area Committee).
04 Review opportunities for developing affordable
housing within Inner North West Leeds for a variety of markets including
students with families (NW Leeds District Housing Partnership).
05 Develop an Inner NW Area Action Plan within
Local Development Framework (Development Dept, Area Committee).
Management of Area with Students
06 Communicate to students via publications and
inductions, issues on housing dispersal, transport and the Community
Code (Universities, Unipol, Student Unions).
07 Develop plans to promote the regeneration of
Inner North West Leeds (Area Management Team).
08 Monitor the implementation of Headingley
Renaissance (Leeds HMO Lobby).
09 Promote noise nuisance initiatives (Environmental
Health, Universities).
10 Support Police presence and neighbourhood policing
arrangements in Inner North West Leeds (West Yorkshire Police, Area
11 Increase awareness of how to access University
complaints procedures and the disciplinary process (Universities).
12 Review and improve cleansing practises in Inner
North West Leeds (Area Management Team, City Services).
13 Enforce and review Direction on letting boards
in Inner NW Leeds (Development Dept).
14 Consider parking permit schemes (Area Committee).
15 Consider extending Unipol’s annual garden
survey awards (Unipol, Area Management).
16 Promote a sustainable and balanced economy to
ensure the long term vitality and viability of Headingley town centre
and the surrounding area (Development Dept).
17 Monitor and enforce alcohol-related policies
in Headingley town centre (West Yorkshire Police, Entertainment
Private Rented Sector
18 Review the impact of Mandatory HMO Licensing
and consider if Additional HMO Licensing is required in Inner North
West Leeds, after April 2007 (Environmental Health).
19 Develop the contribution of the private rented
sector to community sustainability through accreditation schemes
(Environmental Health).
Monitoring / Review
20 Conduct an Annual Review of the Shared Housing
Action Plan, based on
(a) monitoring of developments (Actions 21-27 below), and
(b) a SWOT analysis of SHAP (Area Management Team, all partners).
21 Monitor within Inner North West Leeds:
(a) implementation of Policy H15, and
(b) development of housing mix, on an annual basis (Development
22 Monitor implementation of Policy H15A (Development
23 Monitor distribution of student accommodation
city-wide (within and without Inner North West Leeds) (Development
Dept, Re’new).
24 Monitor social impacts in the neighbourhoods
within Inner North West Leeds including crime, antisocial behaviour,
and noise nuisance (Area Management Team, Re’new).
25 Monitor environmental impacts in the neighbourhoods
within Inner North West Leeds including annual Streetscene report,
Unipol’s annual garden survey, annual report on Development
Control & Compliance (Area Management Team, Streetscene, Unipol,
Development Dept).
26 Monitor economic impacts in Inner North West
including annual reports on local economy, and on local Cumulative
Impact Policy (Development Dept: Community Planning Officer).
27 Monitor developments in other towns on an annual
basis (all partners).
The Shared Housing Group’s SHAP2, first agreed on 20 April
2006, was adapted from Leeds HMO Lobby’s proposed Student
Housing Action Plan of May 2005. The Plan was subsequently amended
when outcomes were agreed on 26 September 2006. A glossy version
of SHAP2 was presented to the Housing Seminbar on 18 June 2007.
Leeds HMO Lobby
email: hmolobby@hotmail.com
website: www.hmolobby.org.uk/leeds