Leeds HMO Lobby
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National HMO Lobby
Leeds HMO Lobby
Representation on
Leeds Metropolitan University's
Proposed Development at Headingley Stadium
To Plans Panel West
I write on behalf of Leeds HMO Lobby to object to planning application
08/02354/FU/NW by Leeds Met University and Yorkshire County Cricket
Club to demolish the existing winter shed stand, media centre and
boundary wall to Kirkstall Lane, and replace it with a five-storey
building for university teaching space and admin offices, new cricket
facilities including changing and officials' rooms, hospitality
facilities, a new media centre, replacement spectator seating and
admin offices, associated landscaping and car parking off St Michael's
Lane. The Lobby is an association of all the local community associations
in Inner NW Leeds, concerned with residential developments in our
neighbourhood. The present proposal affects us all, generally or
immediately, and the Lobby opposes it on a number of grounds.
The Lobby's first objection is that we consider that what is involved
in the proposal constitutes a change of use of the premises. We
presume that currently the building falls within Use Class D2, as
an outdoor sports and leisure use. However, the proposal entails
use of the premises predominantly as a non-residential education
and training centre - that is, Use Class D1. And it is our understanding
that there is no permitted change between these two classes. Educational
use predominates both in time and space - by which we mean that
the majority of the space within the development is dedicated to
educational, not sports, uses; and that the building will be used
for teaching and related purposes for much longer periods of time
than for sports uses. The application should therefore begin by
seeking approval for change of use. The Lobby objects that it does
The Lobby considers that if such an application were made, it would
quite rightly be refused. Leeds City Council has recognised that
the concentration of HEIs in Inner NW Leeds has had a detrimental
impact on the local community. It has introduced the Area of Housing
Mix (UDP Policy H15) and it has established the Shared Housing Group
precisely to redress this impact. Indeed, one of the objectives
of the Shared Housing Action Plan (to which Leeds Met is supposed
to subscribe) is to reduce the number of students in Headingley.
The present proposal effectively turns parts of Headingley Stadium
into a third campus, accommodating altogether some 1,000 students,
right in the heart of Headingley. Leeds Met fudges the issue when
it claims that overall its student numbers in Headingley are being
reduced - it is conflating the Beckett's Park site with the Stadium
site, when these are quite distinct. The present application introduces
a thousand new students into Central Headingley. The Lobby objects
to a new campus in Headingley Centre.
The impact of these students will be twofold. First of all, it
will of course encourage students to seek accommodation around the
Stadium in Central Headingley. There is already a severe demographic
imbalance in the area (especially, but by no means only, in the
Ash Road area), when national planning policy advocates mixed and
balanced communities. As a result of market developments (the advent
of purpose-built developments elsewhere in Leeds) there is currently
the beginnings of a move towards a changing demographic, which offers
a window of opportunity for re-balancing the community locally.
A new HE development in the area will simply reverse this move.
Such a reversal is already evident in the plans by RMP Properties
in St Michael's Road to accommodate students, in consequence of
existing teaching provision by Leeds Met at the Stadium. The Lobby
objects to the unavoidable impact of the application on housing
provision in Headingley.
Secondly, students who gravitate to the neighbourhood will of course
bring their cars with them. Despite local highway policies, it is
well-established that student houses have a higher level of car
ownership than the city average. Students may well be exhorted not
to bring cars to Leeds, especially as Headingley is well provided
with public transport. But few car-owners willingly give up private
transport. And in any case, students use their cars more for leisure
purposes, than to travel to classes. In addition, not all students
at the Stadium campus will be able to live nearby - these will need
transport to classes, thereby bringing yet more cars into the neighbourhood.
The Lobby objects to the unavoidable impact of the application on
transport conditions in Central Headingley.
Leeds HMO Lobby supports the continuation of local, national and
international sports events in Headingley. But the price that the
local community is being asked to pay for the present application
is too high. In the light of the objections raised by the Lobby,
we ask Plans Panel West to REFUSE permission for application 08/02354/FU/NW.
Dr Richard Tyler, for Leeds HMO Lobby, 12 June 2008
Leeds HMO Lobby
email: hmolobby@hotmail.com
website: www.hmolobby.org.uk/leeds