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Taxation of HMOs
Students & Community
National HMO Lobby
Representation on
The Future of Higher Education
1 The National HMO Lobby is a national network
of almost sixty community groups in nearly forty towns, concerned
with concentrations of houses in multiple occupation (HMOs). The
Lobby has an interest in higher education (HE), since the main driver
of HMO concentrations is demand for shared houses by HE students.
For this reason, the Lobby is contributing to the Debate
on the Future of Higher Education, launched by the Department
for Innovation, Universities & Skills (DIUS) on 12 November
2 The Lobby's concerns are not with HE as such
- but for the unintended consequences of HE policies. The Lobby
welcomes any developments which enable those who wish to do so to
improve their own capacities in particular, and their ability to
contribute to the social good in general. The Lobby especially welcomes
ideas emerging in the current Debate which move away from traditional
modes of participation in HE, and which encourage a wider diversity
of ways of participating. Credit accumulation & transfer schemes
and records of achievement for instance are well worth reviving.
3 The Lobby's particular interest is in the report
by Universities UK (UUK) on the Demographic
Challenge Facing Our Universities. This identifies three
impending phases in the size of the population from which HE traditionally
primarily recruits, that is, school-leavers. First of all, until
the end of the present decade, we are in a phase of on-going expansion.
Then, in the next decade, it is clear that this will be followed
by a second phase of contraction, as the number of school-leavers
declines: the report projects a reduction in the region of 56,000-91,000
in the number of full-time undergraduates, between 2010 and 2019
(Tables 3 and 4). Finally, in the following decade again, a new
phase of expansion is expected. Each of these phases has implications
for the context of HE.
4 The current phase of expansion has already been
under way for well over a decade. While the original expansion of
HE was laudable, it has had profound unforeseen - and detrimental
- impacts in society at large. The expansion was undertaken without
any consideration for the accommodation of increased numbers of
students. Failing institutional provision, the market stepped into
the breach - and it has done so overwhelmingly by diverting owner-occupied
and socially-rented properties into the private rented sector, to
satisfy the student market. This has had two consequences. First
of all, at a time of national housing shortage, it has diverted
houses away from first homes for families into second homes for
students. The shortage has been aggravated. Secondly, following
the herd instincts of the market, it has led to intense local concentrations
of shared student houses (HMOs). The consequences for local communities
are now well documented - by UUK itself in Studentification:
a guide to opportunities, challenges and practice (January
2006), by the National HMO Lobby in Balanced
Communities & Studentification (March 2008), and most
recently, in Evidence Gathering: Housing
in Multiple Occupation and possible planning responses
(September 2008) commissioned by Communities & Local Government
(CLG). In 2002, the phenomenon was christened studentification
by academia itself (Dr Darren Smith, on commission from the University
of Leeds). All of the publications propose a wide range of ways
to tackle the problem, to be taken up by all the agencies concerned.
5 In the forthcoming decade, UUK anticipates steady
reduction in the number of school-leavers. This in itself will reduce
the demand for student HMOs. In addition, this reduction is likely
to be enhanced by other factors. Increased investment in purpose-built
accommodation is absorbing some demand for student housing. Potential
increases in tuition fees are likely to encourage the trend for
students to study from home. And alternative modes of participation
in HE are also likely to lessen demand for accommodation. This should
have beneficial consequences in two ways. First, it should release
increasing numbers of houses from the student second-home market
back into the general first-home market. And thereby, it should
enable a re-balancing of those areas currently overwhelmed by student
houses - a process of de-studentification in fact. However,
the process will not be straightforward. The original expansion
of student demand led to inflated property prices in areas of studentification,
which could be sustained by the intensive levels of occupation (hence,
high rental returns) of student houses. The exaggerated investment
in student properties by landlords will make it difficult for them,
either to find equally lucrative tenants, or to sell back to a lower-priced
market. The consequences for housing provision could be unfortunate.
6 The third phase, of renewed demographic increase,
from 2020 onwards, raises the prospect of re-studentification.
The Lobby hopes that with foresight, and in the light of current
experience, and of legislative measures currently proposed, such
an undesirable outcome can be avoided.
7 No man, or institution, is an island. We have
experienced the unintended consequences of the expansion of HE institutions
(HEIs) in the past decade and more. The National HMO Lobby has already
contributed to the consultation on the New
University Challenge. In the Debate on the Future of HE, the
Lobby urges two things: (1) that DIUS, CLG and UUK recognise the
phenomenon of unintended consequences in general, and of accommodation
impacts (studentification) in particular; and (2) that national
authorities and local authorities and individual HEIs take measures
to avoid these in the future development of higher education.
National HMO Lobby, November 2008
National HMO Lobby
email: hmolobby@hotmail.com
website: www.hmolobby.org.uk