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National HMO Lobby
Second Homes for Students
Discussion Document
1 The National HMO Lobby welcomes the Report by the National Housing
& Planning Advice Unit, Rapid
Evidence Assessment of the Research Literature on the Purchase and
Use of Second Homes, published by NHPAU on 10 October 2008.
The Report was prepared by the Centre for Comparative Housing Research
at De Montfort University in Leicester, and is intended to inform
plans for housing supply, which is of particular concern to the
Lobby. The Report surveys the definitions of 'second home', the
buyers, the properties and their distribution, and their impacts;
it simply summarises the current state of knowledge, and makes no
recommendations, except to identify where further research is needed.
The Lobby has no wish to add to the 'innuendo' surrounding debate
on the impact of second homes (para 248), but it wishes to raise
some points regarding the cause, course and consequence of second-home
provision - or demand, supply and impact.
2 The Report surveys definitions of second homes in Chapter 2,
and touches on demand in Chapter 4. The former
shows that many researchers simply equate second homes and holiday
homes ("what constitutes second homes or holiday homes has
been a perennial problem" Wallace et al, quoted in para 16).
Data sources on the other hand adopt a much more open approach (paras
33-4 "Second residences were defined as company flats,
holiday houses, weekend cottages, and so on, in permanent buildings
which were known to be residences of people who had a more permanent
address elsewhere" Census, 1991 and 2001; para 38 "Second
homes are properties, owned or rented by a household member, which
are not the household's main residence" Survey of English Housing,
2007; para 44 "In essence the Council Tax definition amounts
to defining second homes as 'furnished homes that are no-one's main
residence' " [Gallent at al, 2005, p6]). More interestingly,
the research by Direct Line (para 101) identifies a wide range of
reasons why people buy second homes - for holidays, for work, for
study, for investment (this also noted involuntary reasons, such
as inheritance or marital breakdown). This study has the virtue
of opening up analysis of types of second homes. It also muddies
the water by introducing investment properties (like buy-to-let).
However, as the Report shows in para 49, ONS usefully distinguishes
between 'house' and 'home' - when the former is let, it may become
someone else's first home. This leaves three main reasons for buying
second homes - for holidays (51%, by far the most common), but also
for work (like 'crash-pads', 19%) and also for study (5%). This
last is very familiar to members of the National HMO Lobby in the
form of houses bought by parents for their children when they attend
university. Their children 'go away' to these homes in term-time,
and they 'go home' in vacations. Though they may stay there for
eight months of the year, in case of need, they have a first home
to retreat to. The National HMO Lobby therefore recommends
that future study of second homes should include second homes used
for the purpose of study, or student houses.
3 The Report also touches on the provision or supply
of second homes in Chapter 2. In para 17, three tiers (or three
circles) of holiday homes are identified, (a) second homes, (b)
investments, and (c) company-owned property. These categories identify
the properties from the buyer's perspective. Seen from the user's
perspective, these become (a) second homes again, (b) holiday home
lets, and (c) purpose-built holiday accommodation. The same circles
are apparent in properties used for study - (a) houses bought by
students' parents, (b) houses let by student landlords (many of
which may be buy-to-let investment properties), and (c) purpose-built
student accommodation (halls of residence, blocks of cluster flats,
etc - which may double as holiday lets). There are similar circles
of properties used as a work base (commuter-owned, week-day lets,
purpose-built crashpads). The first circle in each case clearly
comprises second homes. The last circle clearly does not: they have
not been built (or converted) as first homes, nor are they usable
as such. The middle circle remains a grey intermediate area. The
properties concerned have been built as first-homes; they have been
bought as investments; and they are now let as second-homes, for
holidays or work or study. In terms of usage (seasonal) and in terms
of impact (see 4 below), properties in the middle circle are indistinguishable
from those in the first. In terms of their significance for housing
supply therefore, the National HMO Lobby recommends that
future study of second homes should include homes which are rented
as such, as well as those which are bought.
4 The Report considers the impacts of second homes
in Chapter 9, and these are analysed in terms of social, economic
and environmental impacts. The National HMO Lobby suggests that
there are in fact two levels of impact of second homes.
(a) If there was a surplus of housing in the UK, then second homes
would not arise as an issue, and the Report would not have been
commissioned. In fact, of course, there is a shortage. Therefore
in principle, the principal impact of second homes is the loss of
first homes. In a limited situation overall, any increase in second
homes can only be at the expense of a decrease in first homes. (This
inevitably impacts on the housing market, as considered by the Report
in paras 189-195. And it underlies George Monbiot's view: "There
is no greater inequality in this country than that some people should
have two homes while others have none" quoted in para 178.)
(b) Otherwise, isolated second homes would not have significant
social, economic or environmental impact. However, as the Report
points out in Chapter 5, the tendency is for second homes to concentrate
in very particular locations - holiday homes, for instance, in desirable
rural or coastal sites, or crashpads in town centres, or student
houses 'in the shadow of the ivory tower' (paras 123-125). The members
of the National HMO Lobby have wide and deep experience of the last.
At both of these levels, the impacts are the same, regardless of
whether the second homes are owned or rented by their users. The
National HMO Lobby endorses the report's call for closer
examination of the impact of second homes on local communities (paras
240-247), and notes that literature already exists on the
impacts of student second homes (studentification), including Universities
UK, Studentification: a guide to
opportunities, challenges and practice (January 2006), National
HMO Lobby, Balanced Communities & Studentification
(March 2008), and CLG, Evidence Gathering:
Housing in Multiple Occupation and possible planning responses
(September 2008).
5 The National HMO Lobby is well aware of the housing problems
currently confronting the country, and it has responded to last
year's Housing Green Paper.
The Lobby welcomes NHPAU's Report as a valuable contribution to
addressing these problems. In particular, the Lobby's concern is
with optimum use of the existing housing stock (alongside the government's
prioritisation of new-build). The issue of second homes of course
is central to the use of existing stock. The National HMO Lobby
therefore urges those developing housing policy at local, regional
and national level to consider the impacts of second homes, and
in order to do so effectively, to consider all properties used as
second hones, whether owned or rented, and whether used for holidays
or work - or for study.
National HMO Lobby, November 2008
National HMO Lobby
email: hmolobby@hotmail.com
website: www.hmolobby.org.uk